Ex-Canucks Coach Confirms Crazy Quinn Hughes Rumor

The Vancouver Canucks were a mess last season once Bruce Boudreau was hired and most of the craziness was not his fault at all. Boudreau's firing was handled the worst way possible and it sounds like before he was let go, some folks in the organization were trying to make him pull of one of the craziest moves in franchise history.

Boudreau was recently a guest on the NHL network and told a story for the first time on TV regarding Hughes. Sounds like someone was trying to sewer Boudreau pretty bad on this one, get a load of this:

Hughes of course has gone on to quickly become on the NHL's premier defenseman. He's going to a contender for the Norris trophy at season's end and so far in 42 games, the mobile blueliner has 51 points. At almost a point-a-game production since joining the league and developing nicely on the defensive side of the puck, makes you wonder if whoever told Boudreau to move Hughes was also fired before the start of this season...

Photo credit:  Bob Frid-USA TODAY Sports