Video: Sid Seixeiro Loses It Ranting About the Ottawa Senators

Sid Seixeiro of the "Tim and Sid" show had quite a few things to say about the Ottawa Senators' recent P.R. stunts.
For those of you who haven't heard about the Senators' antics over the past few days, here is a quick rundown.

The Ottawa Senators posted a video on their Twitter account a few days ago, wherein hometown favourite Mark Borowiecki "interviews" owner Eugene Melnyk about the state of the team, its ownership, and every other issue that has been brought up about the Senators organisation. The only real positive that could be drawn from this is Melnyk stating that the team would not be going anywhere. Unfortunately for many, he also stated that HE would not be going anywhere either.

On top of being awkward and scripted, it seemed to start more fires than it put out.


At the Senators' golf tournament, there was quite a crowd of people in the media looking to talk about that video. There's just one small problem, Melnyk is nowhere to be found at the tournament. Instead, Borowiecki came back out to defend the video he made with Melnyk claiming he knew what he was getting into.

That was the last straw for Sid Seixeiro though, as he went off on a rant about the Senators organisation.

Was Sid making good points, or were they exaggerated?

Watch the clip here: