Insider: Linus Ullmark Trade Talks With Certain Teams To Continue In Summer

So the Boston Bruins' Jennings-winning goaltending tandem is staying together... For now. The Beantowners thought they had a trade arranged to send Linus Ullmark out of town in a big trade at the deadline, but the reigning Vezina Trophy winner vetoed the deal with his 16-team no-trade clause. That doesn't mean, however, that Boston won't be revisiting shipping out Ullmark this summer. 

Insider Elliotte Friedman told us on Hockey Night in Canada that the 30-year-old still might be pulling on a new uniform come next season. 

Ullmark, I heard behind the scenes, was very emotional this week. It was a very hard week for him. He did not want to leave Boston, he wanted to stay with the Bruins. We all know now that there was a team that was on his no-trade list that he did not waive (his clause) to. That is his contractual right. 

(But) I do believe, the Bruins as well had conversations with some teams that he cannot block a trade to. Obviously, (a trade to) those teams did not occur, but I think in a couple of cases they were punted into the off-season. So I think this is going to be something that's going to pick up again after the season.

There are 15 teams around the NHL that are not on Ullmark's no-trade list, so as Friedman mentioned, something is still brewing on this front and will be revisited in the months to come.  

The Bruins are expected to sign his much younger counterpart between the pipes, Jeremy Swayman, to a big extension this offseason, so they will have every reason to want to ship out Ullmark and his $5 million cap hit for next year, freeing up some funds to add in other areas.

Ullmark has started 33 games this season, and has a 2.72 GAA with a .912 save percentage. Swayman, 25, has started 36 games with a 2.45 GAA and .922 Sv%. The tandem won the Jennings Trophy last season for fewest goals against, while Ullmark also took home the Vezina. 

Photo: John E. Sokolowski-USA TODAY Sports